Tuesday, June 8, 2010



1. Symmetry of Molecules:

Concepts of symmetry in Chemistry – Symmetry operations – Symmetry Elements.
Molecular Point Groups : Definition and notation of point groups, classification of molecules into C1, Cs, Ci, Cn, Cnv, Cnh , Dnh, Dnd, Cav Dah Td, Oh, Ih and Sn (n=even). Symmetry criteria for optical activity, symmetry and dipole mement.

2. Inorganic Reaction Machanisms:

Energy profiles of reaction – concepts of labile and inert complexes in terms of VBT and CFT.

Nu cleophylic substitution reactions: Acid hydrolysis – Base hydrolysis reactions.

Nucleophylic substitution reactions in square planar complexes: Trans effect, theories of trans effect and applications of trans effect. Mechanism of substitution in square planar complexes.

Electron transfer reactions: outer sphere and inner sphere mechanisms of electron transfer reactions.

3. Organometallic Chemistry:

Chemistry of organometallic compounds of Li, Na, Mg, Zn, Hg, Al, Pb, Sn

4. Bioinorganic Chemistry:

Importance of metal ions in biological systems. Oxygen transport and storage: structure and functions of Hemoglobin and Myoglobin.

Vitamin B6 catalysed reactions : transamination, Decarboxylation, and Dealdolation reactions. Role of metal ion in model system studies.

5. Coordination Chemistry:

Metal – ligand bonding – valence bond – crystal field and molecular orbital theories of stability of coordination compounds – its determinations – chelate compounds.

6. Quantum Chemistry:

Black body radiation – plank’s concept of quantization, wave particle duality and uncertainty principle, Eigen functions and eigen values, Operators – Operator algebra, Communication of Operators, well behaved function, Normalized and orthogonal functions. Particle in a box – one dimensional and three dimensional – energy and wave functions of particle in a box – degeneracy, application to the spectra of conjugated molecules.
7. Thermodynamics:
First law of thermodynamics and its applications – second law and its applications – Definition of Free energy – clapeyron and clausius – clapeyron equations – activity and
activity coefficients.
8. Chemical Kinetics:
Collision and transition state theory. Unimolecular reactions and Lindamann’s theory, opposing, parallel and consecutive reactions, chain reactions, H2 – Br2 reaction, its rate law, General acid catalysis (Hydrolysis of ester) general base catalysis (aldol reaction) enzyme kinetics – Michaelis – Menton kinetics.
9. Electro Chemistry:
Theories of strong electrolytes – interionic interactions and their experimental manifestation – Debye Huckel theory of activity coefficients – measurement of activity coefficients and experimental verification of Limiting law – electrochemical cells and Nernst equation, Origin of blak e.m.f. in different types of cells.
10. Surface Chemistry:
Liquid interfaces – stability of interface – Gibb’s Absorption equation – surface films and Experimental methods for their study – Gas – solic absorption isotherms and surface area measurements.
11. Spectroscopy:
Microwave spectroscopy – selection rules, reduced mass, bond length from rotational spectra of diatomic molecules energy equation.
IR: Anhormonic nature of vibration – energy equation – calculation of force constant of a diatomic molecule from vibration spectra – group frequencies – identification of functional groups – hydrogen bonding – Cis – Trans isomerisation.
NMR: Basic principle, Larmor frequency, Chemical Shift including calculations, spin-spin splitting – first order spectra – double resonance – applications of PMR spectroscopy in structure determination.
12. Stereochemistry:
Symmetry of molecules and criterion for optical activity – different configurational notations – asymmetric induction – stereospecific reactions – activity of nitrogen compounds – dynamic enantiomerism, conformational analysis of cyclic and acyclic molecules – Cis, Trans isomerism.
13. Reaction Mechanisms:
Electronic effects, addition to C = C and C=O, Aliphatic and aromatic nucleophilic and electrophilic substitution reactions. Neighboring group participation. Different types of Elimination reaction. Various methods of studying the reaction mechanisms. Generation, detection and stability of reactive intermediates.
14. Carbohydrates:
Structure and configuration of monosaccharides – reducing and nonreducing disaccharides – polysaccharides.
15. Aromaticity:
Criteria – different rules molecular orbital approach – annulenes – aromatic cations and anions – metallosenes – nonbenzionoid aromatics.
16. Heterocyclic compounds :
Synthesis and reactivity of simple 5 and 6 membered rings and fused ring systems.
17. Alkaloids:
Structure determination and synthesis of Nicotine, Cocaine, Atropine, Papaverine, Norcotine, Quinine and related alkaloids.
18. Terpenoids:
Isoprene rule – Acyclic monocyclic and bicyclic mono-terpenoids.
19. Aminoacids and Proteins:
Synthesis and reactions of alpha – amino acids and synthetic approaches to polypeptides – proteins, enzymes and coenzymes.
20. Pericyclic Reactions:
definition and classification – aromatic transition state, molecular orbital and correlation diagram approaches, 4n and 4n+2e examples of electrocyclic, cycloaddition and sigmatropic reactions.

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